

Hurksestraat 24
5652 AK Eindhoven
The Netherlands

+31 (0)6 41 47 20 26

For a route description click this map to enlarge ►

Are you ready for something new for your windows? Would you like to get your bearings on the possibilities? Or do you have a more general question about window coverings, and would like an answer from M for Curtains? Use this contact form to ask your question(s) or share what you want to tell us. Obviously, we will be discrete with your contact information: it will only be used to respond to your question or comment. After receiving your question or comment we will get back to you as soon as possible. If you want to contact us directly by phone, please use the phone numbers in the footer of this page.

If you want to upload an attachment, e.g. a photo or drawing of a situation on site, please use this option at the bottom of the contact form. The maximum size per attachment is 2MB, and you can upload a maximum of 5 attachments. Do you have more or larger attachments? Then please use WeTransfer or another upload and download service. In that case, do not forget to include the download link in your question!

Contact us

Salutation: I have a question about:
